We’re proud to announce that Hawaiian Air Cargo has joined Alaska Air Cargo.

With roots in two states uniquely reliant on air freight, our teams share a deep commitment to the communities where we live, work and fly. We’re honored to continue to serve your business needs, and while the way you travel or ship won’t change right away, there are many exciting things to look forward to in the months ahead.

Learn more here and watch for regular email updates.

Global Cargo Network

Our combined fleet of narrow and wide-body aircraft fly to 130-plus destinations. Together, Alaska Air Cargo and Hawaiian Air Cargo offer more capacity and new opportunities for seamless shipping across a global network while preserving the caring customer service that you depend on. Watch this page for new developments as we align cargo operations across our network in the coming months.

What's not changing on Day One?

  • Booking with each carrier
  • Tracking with each carrier
  • Drop-off and pick-up with each carrier
  • Pet shipping: Policies remain unchanged for each airline

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines are continuing separate operations for the most part, but we are streamlining customers' access to our networks by co-locating stations in New York (JFK), Seattle (SEA), as well as Lihu'e (LIH) and Kahului (OGG). More cargo operations will be integrated gradually over the months ahead, and we will notify customers about changes to our operation as we implement them. Please note: Our cargo operations will remain separate for the time being even as our teams co-locate, so please contact the airline on your air waybill (AWB) with questions about your shipments.

Sign up for email alerts to be notified about operational changes.

Updates on the timeline for overall operations and passenger-travel changes will be shared on our website. Please watch our Alaska Air Cargo website, emails and this FAQ page for updates.

Our cargo operations will be integrated gradually over the weeks and months ahead, and we will notify customers about changes as we implement them. We will give you advance notice about any actions you need to take.

Contracts & Pricing

All existing 2024 contracts with Alaska Air Cargo and Hawaiian Air Cargo will be extended through the first quarter of 2025, and will expire on or before March 31, 2025. We are working to harmonize contracts as a shared cargo entity, and we will communicate next steps on your contract as appropriate. In the meantime, please continue working with your current Alaska Air Cargo and Hawaiian Air Cargo representatives.

We will be evaluating prices over the next few months and will keep you posted on any changes.

Yes! But not right away. We will let you know when we have a plan to streamline accounts, as well as what you need to do and when.

Known Shipper applications and status will continue to be maintained separately by each airline. Please make sure your status is up to date with the carrier you ship on.

Network & Booking

Not yet. It will take some time to integrate our bookings and networks. Please continue to book directly with the carrier flying the route you need for your shipments.

We are eager to make this happen, but it will take some time. We will keep you posted about network updates.

It will look amazing! We are excited about seamless international shipping for our prized Alaska seafood, as well as for international goods that enter the U.S. in Honolulu and are shipped across the country. But it's going to take some time for us to work out those details. Please watch this FAQ page, our website and our regular emails for updates on these exciting opportunities.

This is a top priority for us, and we hope to offer this service soon. Stay tuned for updates.

You may continue to ship on Hawaiian Air Cargo to and from neighbor islands. As of January 2025, Alaska Air Cargo has restored full inbound and outbound service to Kaua'i (LIH) and Maui (OGG). As we co-locate, customers can now access single locations in the Neighbor Islands to drop off and pick up freight shipped on both airlines.

Please note: Our cargo operations will remain separate even as our teams co-locate, so please contact the airline on your air waybill (AWB) with questions about your shipments.

Facilities & Stations: Drop-offs and Pick-ups

Please continue to drop off your cargo at the station for the airline that holds your air waybill (AWB). See details below under "Tracking Shipments."

Alaska Air Cargo and Hawaiian Air Cargo are starting to co-locate operations at a few of our stations, streamlining service for shared customers. We are co-locating our cargo stations in New York (JFK) in December 2024 and in Seattle (SEA) in January 2025. Our teams will continue to operate separately for now, but our co-located stations will enable customers to drop off and pick up freight for both airlines at a single station.

Sign up for email alerts to be notified about cargo station moves, as well as other changes in our operations.

Check location details for all Alaska Air Cargo stations.

Tracking Shipments

How to tell the difference between carrier AWB's.
Alaska Air Cargo: Starts with 027
Hawaiian Air Cargo: Starts with 173

Airline prefix for flight numbers:
Alaska Airlines: AS
Hawaiian Airlines: HA

Not yet. Please continue to track your shipment with the airline you booked.

How to track shipments online:
Track a shipment on Alaska Air Cargo
Track a shipment on Hawaiian Air Cargo

Who to Contact

If you're a commercial shipper, please continue to reach out to your current sales contact at either Alaska Air Cargo or Hawaiian Air Cargo.

Alaska Air Cargo: iCargo or How to Use our Booking System | Alaska Air Cargo
Hawaiian Air Cargo: Start Shipping

Booking and Customer Service

Claims and other post-shipping services